Monday, February 11, 2013

Bulgarian inventions (What the world does not know)

This is a list of Bulgarian inventions. I am sure that is not all of it but those are the most famous ones: 

  • Ivan (John) Notchev - constructed the engines for the lunar module used during the first landing on the Moon.

  • Roumen Antonov - invented a revolutionary continuously variable transmission.

The Bulgar calendar was a calendar system used by the old Bulgarians to measure the duration of the year. It was acknowledged by UNESCO as the most accurate ancient calendar.


  1. Thank you!!! Things like this make me feel PROUD that I am Bulgarian. Especially here in UK. We are great nation with values and traditions that England lost a long time ago.

    S uvazhenie i edno goliamo choveshko blagodaria!!!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I am very glad that you enjoyed the read.

    2. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

  2. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
